I am working on a facelift for a legacy site that has to function in IE5 and up. I have it working in everything but IE8. It uses framesets and that is not something I can change unfortunately.
For some reason, in IE8 on Windows 7 and XP, the second frameset in a nested frameset group is not showing up. It is also a nested frameset.
I have tried viewing this in compatibility mode and without compatibility mode. It is also running on a server, not just a file. My head doesn't use the x-frame-options call in it because the site resides on a non-networked server, so there is no way it can be clickjacked.
Below is my code:
frameset rows="120, *" border="0">
<frameset cols="100%" border="0">
<frame src="masthead.html" style="width: 100%; display:" scrolling="no" noresize></frame>
<frameset cols="240, 640*" border="0">
<frame src="menu.html" scrolling="no" noresize></frame>
<frameset rows="*" border="0">
<frame src="cathome.html" name="main" scrolling="auto" noresize></frame>
It resides in an HTML page that has html, head, title and body tags as well.
The top frameset appears fine, there is just no bottom one. I can also see this exact code when I view source, so it is not removing anything when rendering. Thanks -
The frameset
is invalid, and as known, IE is not the best browser to show invalid HTML. Remove the extra frameset
<frameset rows="120, *" border="0">
<frame src="masthead.html" scrolling="no" noresize></frame>
<frameset cols="240, 640*" border="0">
<frame src="menu.html" scrolling="no" noresize></frame>
<frame src="cathome.html" name="main" scrolling="auto" noresize></frame>