Lets say that i have the following route annotations for a controller action:
* @Route("/post/{post_id}/", name="post.view")
* @Route("/post/", name="post.current_view")
And I want to use twig to generate the url for this:
{{ url(basePath~'view', {'post_id':post.postId}) }}
//basePath will either be "post." or "post.current_"
What i currently get is:
What i want though is for the second route to be generated ignoring any "EXTRA" parameters passed to it so that i would only get:
Does anyone know if this is something that can be natively accomplished? I know i could right a custom twig function that uses the router and then i can generate the routes and strip the query string but i want to avoid that if there is an easy toggle somewhere that i have missed.
Solution #1 you could just add an if clause
{% if BasePath == 'post.' %}
{{ url(BasePath~'view', {'post_id':post.postId}) }}
{% elseif BasePath == 'post.current_' %}
{{ url(BasePath~'view') }}
{% endif %}
maybe not the most elegant but should work.
Solution #2
spliting url with question marks and getting the first string
{% set myUrl = url(basePath~'view', {'post_id':post.postId}) %}
{{ myUrl|split("?")|first }}
Solution #3 Or you can override the url function by extending RoutingExtension class of twig.
can find an example here with path
but url
should be the same.
You should override this function
public function getUrl($name, $parameters = array(), $schemeRelative = false)
return $this->generator->generate($name, $parameters, $schemeRelative ? UrlGeneratorInterface::NETWORK_PATH : UrlGeneratorInterface::ABSOLUTE_URL);
your function could look like this:
public function getUrl($name, $parameters = array(), $schemeRelative = false)
$yourUrl = parent::getUrl($name, $parameters = array(), $schemeRelative = false);
return strstr($yourUrl, '?' , true);
what id oes it removes everything afther the question mark.
To override the default class you have to add to the parameters
twig.extension.routing.class: MyNamespace\MyRoutingExtension