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Call multi externals Web Service in Apache Camel correct way

I am stuck with Apache Camel. I need to expose an web service through JBOSS FUSE, but the payload that I must return depends on call to two external web services.

So, the first external web service has this URL:


This receive one param named A, and return three values X, Y and Z.

The second one, receive three params named B, X and Y. Notice that X and Y are the returned values from first external web service.


This second external web service return N1...Nn values that are the final payload

The final user consume only one web service, that is the internal we service that I will expose through JBOSS FUSE. For this reason I need to expose a web service that receive two params

What is the correct way to model this flow in Apache camel? I write the following configuration but the final payload are empty:

<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epInterno" address="/ep-interno/" serviceClass="somePackage.MyWebServiceInterface">
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epExterno1" address="http://someip/externalWSOne" serviceClass="somePackage.ExternalWSOneServiceInterface">
<cxf:cxfEndpoint id="epExterno2" address="http://someip/externalWSTwo" serviceClass="somePackage.ExternalWSTwoServiceInterface">

<camelContext id="blueprintContext" trace="false" xmlns="">
    <route id="ruta1">
      <from uri="cxf:bean:epInterno"/>
      <process ref="proccesorOne" />
      <to uri="cxf:bean:epExterno1" />
      <process ref="processorTwo" />
      <to uri="cxf:bean:epExterno2" />

All artifacts for external web services are generate with Maven plugin.


  • Ok, I tried probe my solution so I decided to write the three projects mentioned above.

    THE RESULT: YES this is the correct way *

    Seems that for my case, when I use the real WS, I have problems not strict related with apache camel flow, instead of this are related with the implementation of this external WS

    So, if I somebody need to test by self, can try it analyzing the following code for projects in github.
