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Find files created over a certain number of seconds ago then copy it

So I'm trying to make a script that watches for files that haven't been modified for at least 10 seconds then to execute an rsync on the file. My original line was this:

find "/Volumes/Media/" -type f -size +2G -cmin +1 -cmin -60 -exec rsync -aq --update {} /Volumes/LocalMedia/ \;

But that does 1 minute, which is too long. So far I've gotten down to this:

find "/Volumes/Media/" -type f -size +2G -exec bash -c 'echo $(( $(date +%s) - $(stat -f%c "{}") ))' \;

which gives me the output of the files in the directory by seconds. But I seem to be having trouble evaluating that and performing the aforementioned rsync. This is macosx so it's bsd find not GNUfind.

Any thoughts/help would be lovely.

Thanks, -N


  • You should be able to accomplish this using mtime:

    find "/Volumes/Media/" -type f -size +2G -mtime +10s -exec rsync -aq --update {} /Volumes/LocalMedia/ \;

    Using -mtime +10s would return to find only files older than 10 seconds