What's the easiest way to pass a variable to a form in zend framework 2?
It seems you can only send a name value to the contructor, but i need to send a few options to the form to set/fill some selectors.
If you extend Form with your own class:
class MyForm extends \Zend\Form\Form
You can then pass in any variables you like via it's constructor and pass the form name to the parent Form class as such:
public function __construct($myVar, $myVar2)
//do things with my vars
// send name to parent constructor
You might also want to consider using a Factory
to inject your dependencies which can be configured for example in your Module.php
public function getFormElementConfig()
return array(
'factories' => array(
'MyForm' => function (ServiceManager $sm) {
return new \MyNamespace\MyForm($sm->get('someDependancy'));
This form is now available via the service locator from any service aware class:
With the dependencies injected via the factory.