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How to increment integers on the current line by 1

I'm working on nand2tetris, and I end up with a lot of files that end up looking like this:

Bit(in=in[0], load=load, out=out[0]);
Bit(in=in[1], load=load, out=out]1]);
Bit(in=in[15], load=load, out=out[15]);

So I've been yanking the first line, then using 15p, and then doing :s/0/i/g 15 times (where i is the index I need). I've noticed that I can replace this with :s/\[\d\]/\[i\]/g, but even here I manually set the value of i each time I run the command. Is there a command I can run so that i is automatically calculated to be \d+1 and I can just repeat the command for each line, without manually specifying the value?


  • I would do it like Peter Rincker (on-the-fly macros are awesome) but here is another solution, just for the sake of it:

    yy                         " yank current line
    15p                        " paste 15 times
    :,']s/0/\=line('.')-1/g    " substitute every 0 from cursor to last
                                 pasted line with the current line number