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Testing two strings with ginkgo trouble

First of all I want to tell you that I’m very new at go and that I came from Python. Having saying that than I can continue with my problem. I’m having the following trouble:

cacciald@cacciald-Lenovo-G470:~/workspace/gopath/src/$ go test
Running Suite: Executor Suite
Random Seed: 1409854483
Will run 1 of 1 specs

• Failure [0.005 seconds]
  Should execute a command [It]

      <string>: Hello World

  to be equivalent to
      <string>: Hello World


Summarizing 1 Failure:

[Fail] Executor [It] Should execute a command 

Ran 1 of 1 Specs in 0.006 seconds
FAIL! -- 0 Passed | 1 Failed | 0 Pending | 0 Skipped --- FAIL: TestExecutor (0.01 seconds)
exit status 1
FAIL       0.019s

Here is the code:

// Package executor will provide a way to execute console commands in our
// Operative System.-
package executor

import (

func Runner(command, params string) string {
        cmd := exec.Command(command, params)
        var out bytes.Buffer
        cmd.Stdout = &out
        err := cmd.Run()
        if err != nil {
        return out.String()

And here is my simple test:

package executor_test

import (
        . ""

        . ""
        . ""

var _ = Describe("Executor", func() {
        var (
                cmd    string
                params string

        It("Should execute a command", func() {
                cmd = "echo"
                params = "Hello World"
                Expect(Runner(cmd, params)).To(BeEquivalentTo(params))

If some can tell me why this is not working that will be great!!!


  • You forgot the \n of echo.

    this works fine:

     var _ = Describe("Executor", func() {
                 var (
                         cmd    string
                         params string
                 It("Should execute a command", func() {
                         cmd = "echo"
                         params = "Hello World"
                         Expect(Runner(cmd, params)).To(BeEquivalentTo(params + "\n"))