I inherited an old application, written in Flash, and which uses Google Map to localize some points.
The map is not working since some days ago, and I modified nothing on the server or the network configuration. The error shown is :
Initialization failed: please check the API key, swf location, version and network availability.
All i have is the SWF. I disassembled it to get all the information I can have, and I managed to get the Google API key. Now, I don't know from which account this key has been generated, if it is still valid and I guess I can't change the key in the existing SWF.
How can I check the key validity? Is there recent change about Google Map system which could have invalidated my key?
As of September 3, 2014 Google has discontinued their Maps API support for Adobe Flash. Please see the top of their documentation: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/flash/intro
It is recommended that you convert your application to Google Maps Javascript API v3.