I tried the following:
%% This is a comment %%
but it only gives me a block of text, with no syntax highlighting, displayed in the picture below. The same is true for Java and other languages - Markdown Here renders a block of plain text without any highlights.
Any suggestions? Am I missing something? I tested this on Chromium and Firefox using Ubuntu 14.04, and the syntax highlighting does not work. On Chromebook, the syntax highlighting works just fine.
If this is a legitimate bug, any suggestions about how to file it would be great. I could not find the appropriate Markdown Here, and this site was the closest support I could find, but there is no option to file a bug.
Here is a picture of the rendered Markdown on my example above:
Note that there are many different flavours of markdown around.
If the "GMail Chrome plugin" you're using is Markdown Here: it apparently makes use of highlight.js which supports tex
. So it should work. It's even in Markdown Here's source code. Are you sure you're using the latest version of the plugin?