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xcodebuild not copying file from .app

I've created a signed .xcarchive file using the xcodebuild command.

Inside the .xcarchive is a .app file. Inside the .app is a file called archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent. This file is the key to my problem.

I run a different xcodebuild command that creates an .IPA file from the .xcarchive.

Creating the IPA fails because the archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file is missing. The thing is, xcodebuild is creating a temporary directory where it copies over my .app file, and inside THAT .app file, there is no archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file.

All the other files are in there except this one.

The commands I run are below:

This creates the xcarchive:

xcodebuild -project diplomat.xcodeproj -scheme schemeName archive -archivePath /Path/To/Archive/name.xcarchive -configuration AppStore CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY="identity" PROVISIONING_PROFILE=provProfile

This creates the IPA:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA -archivePath /Path/To/Archive/name.xcarchive -exportPath /Path/To/Archive/name.ipa

Despite specifying the location of the .xcarchive, it creates a temporary directory and doesn't include the important file. Please note, the archived-expanded-entitlements.xcent file is created during the .xcarchive process (the first command that's run) and fails to copy into the temp directory during the second command run.

This is the exact error. Google and StackOverflow have yielded similar errors, but nothing with this actual problem.

Checking original app

     + /usr/bin/codesign --verify -vvvv    /var/folders/sl/_wdkd56d5pb05snr559cmcww0000gn/T/D2133E2C-DC66-427C-A3C5-903A88DD0541-  42128-00007ED35037747A/

Program /usr/bin/codesign returned 1 : 

     [/var/folders/sl/_wdkd56d5pb05snr559cmcww0000gn/T/D2133E2C-DC66-427C-A3C5-903A88DD0541-42128-00007ED35037747A/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid

file missing: 


Codesign check fails :

      /var/folders/sl/_wdkd56d5pb05snr559cmcww0000gn/T/D2133E2C-DC66-427C-A3C5-903A88DD0541-42128-00007ED35037747A/ a sealed resource is missing or invalid

file missing: 


Done checking the original app


  • This is indeed a weird behaviour of xcodebuild, but you can still use the exportArchive command and specify the provisioning profile using exportProvisioningProfile:

    xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat IPA \
      -archivePath /Path/To/Archive/name.xcarchive \
      -exportPath /Path/To/Archive/name.ipa \
      -exportProvisioningProfile 'PROVISIONING_PROFILE_NAME'

    This will reembed the provisioning profile within the app and you won't actually need to speciify the code signing identity again, because the archive should already be signed during the archive process.