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how to create a global counter function that will be used in any viewController - iOS

.h file

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface globalFunction : NSObject{

    int nbr;
@property (nonatomic) NSInteger myInt;

+(void)eventCount:(NSString*) eventName;


.m file

@synthesize myInt;

+(void)eventCount:(NSString *)eventName{

    myInt ++;
    NSLog(@"Event name %@ and the count %d",eventName, myInt);


but this gives me error of Instance variable myInt accessed in class method.

As i searched google, it turned out the problem fixes when i change my global method sign (+) to instance function (-)

but i need a global method where i can use in any of viewController that help me get the count of how many times a specific thing happened during the session.

How can i proceed on this matter?


  • Use singelton Class to for global counter:


    Interface: (in .h)
    @interface globalFunction : NSObject
        int nbr;
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger myInt;
    + (instancetype)sharedInstance;
    - (void)eventCount:(NSString*) eventName;
    Implementation: (in .m)
    @implementation globalFunction
    #pragma mark - Singleton Class instance
     * Singelton instance of globalFunction
    + (instancetype)sharedInstance {
        static globalFunction *_instance = nil;
        static dispatch_once_t onceToken;
        dispatch_once(&onceToken, ^{
            _instance = [[globalFunction alloc] init];
        return _instance;
    - (void)eventCount:(NSString *)eventName{
        _myInt ++;
        NSLog(@"Event name %@ and the count %d",eventName, _myInt);

    and can access using:

    [[globalFunction sharedInstance] eventCount:@"Ev"];