I am using GraphView Library for creating Bar graph as shown in picture, I need to reduce width of bars and increase space between bars.
Note- Red bars are currently what I'm getting and what I actually need is shown in black.
Below is the code snippet for the above graph:
GraphViewSeriesStyle barStyle = new GraphViewSeriesStyle();
barStyle.thickness = 5;
barStyle.setValueDependentColor(new ValueDependentColor() {
public int get(GraphViewDataInterface data) {
return Color.rgb(205, 0, 0);
// init example series data
GraphViewSeries scoreSeries = new GraphViewSeries(
"HealthCare Bar Graph", barStyle, new GraphViewData[] {
new GraphViewData(1, rsCVD),
new GraphViewData(2, rsHypertension4),
new GraphViewData(3, rsHypertension2),
new GraphViewData(4, rsHypertension1) });
GraphView graphView = new BarGraphView(this // context
, "GRAPH_VIEW_HEADING" // heading
graphView.setHorizontalLabels(new String[] { "1", "2",
"3", "4" });
graphView.setViewPort(0, 25);
// graphView.getGraphViewStyle().setLegendWidth(legendWidth)
int maxValue = myScore+1;
// search the interval between 2 vertical labels
double interval;
if (maxValue >= 0 && maxValue < 3) {
interval = 0.5; // increment of 1 between each label
} else if (maxValue >= 3 && maxValue < 55) {
interval = 5; // increment of 5 between each label
} else if (maxValue >= 55 && maxValue <= 110) {
interval = 10; // increment of 10 between each label
} else {
interval = 20; // increment of 20 between each label
// search the top value of our graph
int maxLabel = maxValue;
while (maxLabel % interval != 0) {
// set manual bounds
graphView.setManualYAxisBounds(maxLabel, 0);
// indicate number of vertical labels
int numVerticalLabels = (int) ((int) maxLabel / interval + 1);
Log.v(TAG, "numVerticalLabels: " + numVerticalLabels);
// graphView.getGraphViewStyle().setLegendWidth(20);
// LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(R.id.layout);
there's currently no build in method to do this. but if you want to, you can easily modify the code. The point where you can add a spacing is here:
BarGraphView.java Line 95:
float left = (i * colwidth) + horstart -offset;
float top = (border - y) + graphheight;
float right = ((i * colwidth) + horstart) + (colwidth - 1) -offset;
canvas.drawRect(left, top, right, graphheight + border - 1, paint);
Just add a few pixels to left
and remove a few pixels from right
and it will look like you want.