I'm developing an Android game in Unity and using Facebook SDK as the authenticator.
After completing the setup phase in Unity I tried to login and it worked. User that I used to login was the admin user which I also used to create the app at developer.facebook.com.
Later I tried to connect with other users. They were real accounts which have roles of developer and tester, I even used the test users that are automaticly created by FB but even though they all have different credentials they all logged as the admin user.
to make it clear I did the following:
1) Run the game on android.
2) Hit the login button and FB app will start to run.
3) Login with admin user.
4) Now I am logged with Admin user.
5) Close the app and logout from FB.
6) Run the app and this time login with user B (Dev, tester, etc.)
7) Instead of user B again admin user will be authenticate.
Edit: Today I upgraded the FB sdk. In first try I logged with a test user and logged in correctly. On later connections I used the Admin and other test users but they all logged as the first test user. I guess problem isn't related with admin user but the one that first login's.
I used friendsmash tutorial as example for my game and below you can find the code piece that I used in my app.
public void Init() {
FB.Init(SetInit, OnHideUnity);
private void SetInit() {
enabled = true;
private void OnHideUnity(bool isGameShown) {
if(!isGameShown) {
// pause the game - we will need to hide
Time.timeScale = 0;
else {
// start the game back up - we're getting focus again
Time.timeScale = 1;
public void FBLogin(LoginOnSuccess cb) {
loginOnSuccess = cb;
FB.Login("user_friends", LoginCallback);
void LoginCallback(FBResult result) {
if(FB.IsLoggedIn) {
FB.API("/me?fields=id,name", Facebook.HttpMethod.GET, delegate (FBResult response) {
if(response.Error != null) {
Debug.Log("Error: FB.API: /me?fields=id,name");
Debug.Log("Permissions: " + response.Text);
else {
//TODO login failed. Give a proper error message on gui
Debug.Log("FacebookController.cs: Couldn't connect to FB.");
Ok, I found the problem.
Logouting from the Android Facebook app doesn't logout you from your game. Also If there is already logged in user (this means FB.IsLoggedIn == true. as you can see from my code I removed this check. Originally this is used in friendsmash tutorial of FB), and you call FB.Login() this doesn't do anything. FB SDK keeps the previous session. I think API has to warn the developer/user that "you are switching user" or "you cant relog while you are allready logged in".
So what I am doing is, calling FB.Logout() in callback of FB.Init(SetInit, OnHideUnity):
private void SetInit() {
enabled = true;