I have a script that has been executed using powershell ISE. This Invoke-WUInstall seems to trigger powershell.exe. How can I capture the process ID for the powershell.exe.
$WUInstallScript = { Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll |Out-File C:\SUPPORT\text.log}
Invoke-WUInstall -ComputerName computername -Script $WUInstallScript -Confirm:$false
You can write it to the log file, and pick it up from there:
$WUInstallScript = { "Process ID is $PID" | Out-File C:\SUPPORT\text.log
Get-WUInstall -AcceptAll | Out-File C:\SUPPORT\text.log -Append}
Invoke-WUInstall -ComputerName computername -Script $WUInstallScript -Confirm:$false