I am trying to fast enumerate through all of my collection view cells, however this implementation below is giving me a warning.
for cell in self.collectionView?.visibleCells() as [UICollectionViewCell] {
// Do Stuff
Error below appears on first line:
Operand of postfix '?' should have optional type; type is '(UICollectionView, cellForItemAtIndexPath: NSIndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell'
I've tried messing around with optionals and had this working in Xcode 6 Beta 6, but to no avail in "Beta 7"
How do i get rid of this error? / Write a loop that goes through all my CollectionView Cells ?
The collectionView
property is now an optional UICollectionView?
, so you have
to unwrap it:
for cell in self.collectionView!.visibleCells() as [UICollectionViewCell] { ... }