Is it possible to remove a value whilst the page is loading?
I'm using OSClass, and on one of the pages it's by default adding a value for region (cambridshire):
I need to clear this value since it's causing problems, everytime I type something else in, by default, it registers it as Cambridgeshire...
If I look at code for it:
It's being generated by a function (can see my JQuery attempt to clear it which hasn't worked).
Then if I search the function is splits up in many different parts, so I don't know where to go from there.
Basically, is there a way to remove the value when page loads and save the new value when the user submits?
JSFiddle - Note it won't display anything due to the way code is generated
Have you tried removing <?php ItemForm::region_text(); ?>
on it's own? Or passing an empty string <?php ItemForm::region_text(''); ?>
I'm not familiar with OSClass though I'm afraid.