Search code examples

Changing the look of the cursor

I am making an online scratchcard and i need to know how to change my cursor into a coin.

here is an example of the code i already have tried:

    <div id="krasvak" class="scratchpad"></div>
    #krasvak {
      width: 25%;
      height: 100px;
      border: solid 1px;
      display: inline-block;
  <script type="text/javascript" src="wScratchPad.js"></script>
  <script type="text/javascript">

      cursor: 'cursor: url("images/muntje.png"), auto;',
      scratchMove: function (e, percent) {
        if (percent > 70)
            window.alert("U heeft uw code gekrast");
    $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('bg', 'images/slide1.png');
    $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('fg', 'images/overlay.png');
    $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('size', 10);

and here is a part of the java script code

    $.fn.wScratchPad.defaults = {
size        : 5,          // The size of the brush/scratch.
bg          : '#cacaca',  // Background (image path or hex color).
fg          : '#6699ff',  // Foreground (image path or hex color).
realtime    : true,       // Calculates percentage in realitime
scratchDown : null,       // Set scratchDown callback.
scratchUp   : null,       // Set scratchUp callback.
scratchMove : null,       // Set scratcMove callback.
cursor      : 'crosshair' // Set cursor.

I would really appriciate it if someone could help me out.


  • According to the github of the plugin there's a solution:

    Update on the Fly

    var sp = $("#elem").wScratchPad();
    sp.wScratchPad('size', 5);
    sp.wScratchPad('cursor', 'url("./cursors/coin.png") 5 5, default');
    // Or directly with element.
    $("#elem").wScratchPad('image', './images/winner.png');

    So try this:

    <div id="krasvak" class="scratchpad"></div>
        #krasvak {
          width: 25%;
          height: 100px;
          border: solid 1px;
          display: inline-block;
      <script type="text/javascript" src="wScratchPad.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript">
          scratchMove: function (e, percent) {
            if (percent > 70)
                window.alert("U heeft uw code gekrast");
        $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('bg', 'images/slide1.png');
        $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('fg', 'images/overlay.png');
        $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('size', 10);
        $('#krasvak').wScratchPad('cursor', 'url("./images/muntje.png") 5 5, default');