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puppet define two variables in require, but one variable not work

I defined some variables in my defined type remote_file.

When I instantiate this type in class cdnlog::base, if I commented the line with require_dir, I get some error message in puppet client:

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Invalid relationship: File[cdnlog-release] { require => , }, because , doesn't seem to be in the correct format. Resource references should be formatted as: Classname['title'] or Modulename::Classname['title'] (take careful note of the capitalization).

Warning: Not using cache on failed catalog

Error: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run

My manifest:

define remote_file($remote_location=undef, $path=undef, $mode='0644', $require_dir=undef){
    command => "/usr/bin/wget -q ${remote_location} -O ${path}",
    creates => $path,
  if $require_dir {
  elsif $require_dir == undef {
    path    => $path,
    mode    => $mode,
    require => [$require_exec, $require_file],
class cdnlog::base{
  tag 'cdnlog'

  file {'/etc':
    ensure       => directory,
    recurse      => true,
  file {'/etc/rc.d/init.d':
    ensure       => directory,
    recurse      => true,
  file {'/etc/cdnlog.d':
    ensure       => directory,
    recurse      => true,

  remote_file {'cdnlog-release':
    path                  => '/etc/cdnlog.d/cdnlog-release',
    remote_location       => "${collectd_server}/tarball/cdnlog-release",
    require_dir           => '/etc/cdnlog.d',
  remote_file {'cdnlog.conf':
    path                 => '/etc/cdnlog.conf',
    remote_location      => "${collectd_server}/tarball/cdnlog.conf",
    require_dir           => '/etc',


thanks for your help


  • Your efective resource after variable substitution is:

        path    => '/etc/cdnlog.d/cdnlog-release',
        mode    => '0644',
        require => [Exec['retrieve_cdnlog-release], ","],

    That is not valid. You should try using

      if $require_dir {
        $requirearray=[$require_exec ,File["$require_dir"]]
      elsif $require_dir == undef {
        path    => $path,
        mode    => $mode,
        require => $requirearray,

    Quotes should be placed inside brackets, too