I have a table in my database containing all of my database categories, which I need to convert into a multi-level menu. The table structure is below:
product_category_id | product_category_name | product_category_description | product_category_parent_id
1 test ulghjbjjjh NULL
2 test2 yruktghkug NULL
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Using the functions I have adapted from an online tutorial (here) and hours of research the resulting code will only display the top level (those with a parent id of null). I'm sure it is a problem with the sortMenu function, however, I cannot seem to work it out.
Here is my model function which extracts the data:
public function getProductCategories()
$query = $this->db->get("tbl_product_categories");
return $query->result_array();
Here is the controller which calls the private function from the index function, which, in turn, calls the private create_list function:
class products extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct()
public function index()
$categories = $this->products_model->getProductCategories();
echo $this->sortMenu($categories);
private function sortMenu($items)
// create an array to hold the references
$refs = array();
// create and array to hold the list
$list = array();
// loop over the results
//while($data = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
foreach($items as $data)
// Assign by reference
$thisref = &$refs[ $data['product_category_id'] ];
// add the the menu parent
$thisref['product_category_id'] = $data['product_category_parent_id'];
$thisref['product_category_title'] = $data['product_category_title'];
// if there is no parent id
if (is_null($data['product_category_parent_id']))
$list[ $data['product_category_id'] ] = &$thisref;
$refs[ $data['product_category_id'] ]['children'][ $data['product_category_id'] ] = &$thisref;
return $this->create_list($list);
* Create a HTML list from an array
* @param array $arr
* @param string $list_type
* @return string
private function create_list( $arr )
$html = "\n<ul>\n";
foreach ($arr as $key=>$v)
$html .= '<li>'.$v['product_category_title']."</li>\n";
if (array_key_exists('children', $v))
$html .= "<li>";
$html .= create_list($v['children']);
$html .= "</li>\n";
$html .= "</ul>\n";
return $html;
This has completely baffled me :S Does anyone have any ideas?
From what I understand,
This line:
$refs[ $data['product_category_id'] ]['children'][ $data['product_category_id'] ] = &$thisref;
should be this:
$refs[ $data['product_category_parent_id'] ]['children'][ $data['product_category_id'] ] = &$thisref;