Hello: I'm using a collection view within my app, and I've noticed that it's taking longer than expected to refresh using reloadData
. My collection view has 1 section
, and I'm testing it with 5 cell
s (each of which has 2 buttons and a label). I put some logs into my code to show how long the system is actually taking to refresh. Interestingly enough, the logs indicate that it's refreshing faster than it is. On a device, for example, it will take up to ~0.2sec (noticeable), but here are the logs:
From the time reloadData
is called to the time cellForItemAtIndexPath
is called the first time
Per cell to load and be returned
From the time reloadData
is called to the time where cell #5 is returned
There isn't anything particularly intensive in the cellForItemAtIndexPath
function (basically just finds a dictionary with 3 values within an NSArray
at the indexPath
's row
). Even when I removed this and just returned a cell with a blank button, I saw the same behavior, however.
Does anyone have any idea as to why this may be happening? It's only happening on a physical device (iPad Air), by the way. Thanks!
Per @brian-nickel's comment, I used the Time Profiler instrument, and found that it does indeed spike each time reloadData
is called. Here's a screenshot:
@ArtSabintsev, here is the function surrounding the reloadData
call, followed by the cellForItemAtIndexPath
//Arrays were just reset, load new data into them
//Loop through each team
for (NSString *team in moveUnitsView.teamsDisplaying) { //CURRENT TEAM WILL COME FIRST
//Create an array for this team
NSMutableArray *teamArr = [NSMutableArray new];
//Loop through all units
for (int i = [Universal units]; i > 0; i--) {
//Set the unit type to a string
NSString *unitType = [Universal unitWithTag:i];
//Get counts depending on the team
if ([team isEqualToString:currentTeam.text]) {
//Get the number of units of this type so that it supports units on transports. If the territory is a sea territory and the current unit is a ground unit, check the units in the transports instead of normal units
int unitCount = (ter.isSeaTerritory && (i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 8)) ? [self sumOfUnitsInTransportsOfType:unitType onTerritory:ter onTeam:team] : [ter sumOfUnitsOfType:unitType onTeam:team];
//Get the number of movable units on this territory
int movableCount = 0;
if (queue.selectedTerr != nil && queue.selectedTerr != ter) { //This is here to prevent the user from selecting units on another territory while moving units from one territory
movableCount = 0;
} else if (ter.isSeaTerritory && (i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 8)) { //Units on transports - can be an enemy territory
movableCount = [self sumOfUnitsInTransportsOfType:unitType onTerritory:ter onTeam:team];
} else if ([Universal allianceExistsBetweenTeam:team andTeam:ter.currentOwner] || i == 3 || i == 9) { //Other units - only planes can be on an enemy territory
movableCount = [ter sumOfMovableUnitsOfType:unitType onTeam:team];
//See if there are units of this type on this territory on this team
if (unitCount > 0) {
//Add data to this team's dictionary
NSMutableDictionary *unitInfo = [NSMutableDictionary new];
[unitInfo setObject:@(i) forKey:@"UnitTag"];
[unitInfo setObject:unitType forKey:@"UnitType"];
[unitInfo setObject:@(unitCount) forKey:@"Count"];
[unitInfo setObject:@(movableCount) forKey:@"MovableCount"];
[unitInfo setObject:team forKey:@"Team"];
//Add the dictionary
[teamArr addObject:unitInfo];
//Increment the counter
if (unitsOnCT) { //Must check or it could cause a crash
*unitsOnCT += 1;
//Add the team array
[moveUnitsView.unitData addObject:teamArr];
//Reload the data in the collection view
[moveUnitsView.collectionV reloadData];
And my cellForItemAtIndexPath
's relevant code:
//Dequeue a cell
UnitSelectionCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"UnitSelectionCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
//Get the team array (at the index of the section), then the unit's data (at the index of the row)
NSMutableDictionary *unitData = (moveUnitsView.unitData[indexPath.section])[indexPath.row];
//Get values
int unitTag = [[unitData objectForKey:@"UnitTag"] intValue];
int count = [[unitData objectForKey:@"Count"] intValue];
int movableCount = [[unitData objectForKey:@"MovableCount"] intValue];
NSString *unitType = [unitData objectForKey:@"UnitType"];
//Set the cell's values
[cell.upB addTarget:self action:@selector(upMoveUnits:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [cell.upB setTag:unitTag];
[cell.iconB setBackgroundImage:[UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:[Universal imageNameForUnit:unitType team:[unitData objectForKey:@"Team"]] ofType:nil]] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[cell.iconB setTitle:[Universal strForExpDisplay:count] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
[Universal adjustTitlePlacementOfB:cell.iconB autosize:FALSE]; //Don't autosize because this is a collection view
cell.unitTypeL.text = unitType;
cell.unitTypeL.adjustsFontSizeToFitWidth = cell.unitTypeL.adjustsLetterSpacingToFitWidth = TRUE;
//Set fonts
[Universal setFontForSubviewsOfView:cell];
//Return the cell
return cell;
When the collection view is initialized, cells are registered using:
[moveUnitsView.collectionV registerNib:[UINib nibWithNibName:@"UnitSelectionCell" bundle:nil] forCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"UnitSelectionCell"];
@roycable and @aaron-brager pointed out that this could be caused by using imageWithContentsOfFile:
. To test this out, I changed cellForItemAtIndexPath
to this:
//Dequeue a cell
UnitSelectionCell *cell = [collectionView dequeueReusableCellWithReuseIdentifier:@"UnitSelectionCell" forIndexPath:indexPath];
//Get the team array (at the index of the section), then the unit's data (at the index of the row)
NSMutableDictionary *unitData = (moveUnitsView.unitData[indexPath.section])[indexPath.row];
//Get values
int unitTag = [[unitData objectForKey:@"UnitTag"] intValue];
[cell setBackgroundColor:[UIColor redColor]];
[cell.upB removeTarget:nil action:NULL forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];
[cell.upB addTarget:self action:@selector(upMoveUnits:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside]; [cell.upB setTag:unitTag];
//Return the cell
return cell;
Strangely, this doesn't seem to fix the issue. It's literally doing no intensive tasks in that function but it still seems to be lagging (and the Time Profiler seems to confirm that).
In response to the requests for code from Universal
, instead of posting code I'll just summarize it:
just returns 17
uses a switch
to return an NSString
corresponding to a number between 1-17
sees if an array contains one of the strings
is a recursive function that basically uses this code
Unfortunately, this doesn't seem very relevant since the issue is still occurring with the oversimplified cellForItemAtIndexPath
I also implemented @aaron-brager's new suggestions. I removed the target
before adding a new one, and I made the changes to Time Profiler. I didn't see anything really pop out... Here's the screenshot. Everything related to UIImage
is irrelevant to this question, as is NSKeyedArchiver
, so the only other things that really make sense are strings, arrays, and dictionaries:
Any and all help is greatly appreciated - I really need to get this fixed (hence the bounty). Thank you!
Edit #3 - Solution identified
So, it turns out that the issue wasn't in either of those functions. The issue was the function (let's call it Function A
) that called the update function above (let's call it Function B
). Right after Function A
called Function B
, it performed a CPU-intensive task. I wasn't aware of the fact that reloadData
is at least partially asynchronous, so I'm assuming the CPU-intensive task and reloadData
ended up racing for CPU time. I solved my problem by adding the following right before return cell;
if (indexPath.row == [self collectionView:collectionView numberOfItemsInSection:indexPath.section] - 1) {
[self performSelector:@selector(performMyCPUIntensiveTask:) withObject:myObject afterDelay:0.1];
I hope this helps someone else in the future. Thank you to everyone who helped, I sincerely appreciate it.
Some possibilities:
functions look like they might be expensive. imageWithContentsOfFile:
skips the cache; use imageNamed: