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Why is igraph's cliques() method orders of magnitude slower than justTheCliques?

I wanted to find all the cliques in a medium size, but densely connected graph, having 369 nodes and 22,724 edges. First I simply called igraph's Graph.cliques() method through the python interface:

cliques = graph.cliques()

It's still running, and consumed more then 3 hours net cpu time on an i7-4600U core. Therefore I started to look after other possibilities, and I remembered a nice code I already used few years before. It is called justTheCliques, and available here: The description says:

runs the Bron-Kerbosch algorithm on an edge list

Running this algorithm gives result on the same graph within a few seconds:

justTheCliques edge-list > cliques

I love igraph, and I just want to know, what is the essential reason behind this? Igraph uses a different algorithm? The result should be the same?


  • David is right, if you want maximum cliques, then you should use maximal.cliques(). I did a quick comparison, and it seems that igraph is in fact 4-5 faster than the C++ library you used, although this probably depends on your graph:

    g <-, 22724, type="gnm")
    system.time(xx <- maximal.cliques(g))
    #   user  system elapsed 
    #  1.432   0.012   1.448 
    write.graph(g, format = "edgelist", file = "graph.txt")
    vagrant@logus:~/cli/MaximalCliques$ time ./justTheCliques graph.txt  > cliques.txt
    Network loaded after 0.15 seconds. 369 nodes and 22724 edges. Max degree is 149
    processing node: 100 ...
    processing node: 200 ...
    processing node: 300 ...
    388111 cliques found
    0   #3
    10367   #4
    209815  #5
    151633  #6
    15896   #7
    396     #8
    4       #9
    real    0m6.419s
    user    0m5.324s
    sys     0m1.036s