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Overlap div past container with clearfix mixen overflow:hidden

I've recently updated to SingularityGS 1.4.0 and have run into an issue with my .container class using an @include clearfix; which now includes an overflow:hidden property.

For a slideshow component, I use negative/positive margins to display arrows overlapping arrows outside of the .container:

.container {  //Container for the grid system 
    background: $background-color;        
    max-width: $site-width;
    margin: 0 auto;
    position: relative;
    @include clearfix;
    @include breakpoint($large-break) {
        border-left: 20px solid #fff;
        border-right: 20px solid #fff; 
        width: $site-width; 

    .container {
        border: 0px;
        margin: 0px;
        clear: both;

    .left-arrow, .right-arrow {
        position: absolute;
        cursor: pointer;
        margin-top: -20px;
        font-size: 0.8em;
        width: 41px;
        height: 41px;
        top: 50%;
    .left-arrow {
        left: -10px;
        background: url(/images/icons.png) no-repeat -153px -146px;
    .right-arrow {
        right: -10px;
        background: url(/images/icons.png) no-repeat -197px -146px;

Here's a screenshot of the problem:

Should I be using something other then the clearfix mixin in my container?

Edit: - Added Sassmeister issue as requested


  • This version of Singularity uses the Compass clearfix. You can write your own to work as you want it:

    @mixin clearfix {
        &:after {
            content: '';
            display: table;
