I'm having trouble unpivoting some data. I see other examples on here for unpivoting tables but I have pairs which need unpivoted. There are actually 10+ disease/date pairs in my dataset, but I've chosen three pairs to simplify the example.
Here's my source data:
MRN GUMCID Event BreastID BreastDate ColonID ColonDate PancID PancDate
2000012 90000001 event_1 42 1/1/2000 43 8/5/2014 44 8/6/2012
2008006 90000020 event_1 102 5/7/2003 103 9/11/2012
2000012 90002002 event_1 900 8/5/2004 902 12/5/2009
2000012 90002002 event_2 1000 9/6/2006
Here's what I need it converted to:
MRN GUMCID Event TissueType Date ID
2000012 90000001 event_1 BreastID 1/1/2000 42
2000012 90000001 event_1 ColonID 8/5/2014 43
2000012 90000001 event_1 PancID 8/6/2012 44
2008006 90000020 event_1 BreastID 5/7/2003 102
2008006 90000020 event_1 ColonID 9/11/2012 103
2000012 90002002 event_1 BreastID 8/5/2004 900
2000012 90002002 event_1 PancID 12/5/2009 902
2000012 90002002 event_2 BreastID 9/6/2006 1000
I've fumbled around with unpivot and cross apply and can't seem to make this work. Any thoughts are appreciated!
select mrd, gumcid, event, tissuetype, date, id
from tbl
cross apply (
('breastid', breastid, breastdate),
('colonid', colonid, colondate),
('pancid', pancid, pancdate)
) t(tissuetype, id, date)
where id is not null