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C++ Changing Screen Orientation Issue -- DEVMODE dmDisplayOrientation DMDO_90 undefined

I can't seem to get some C++ code to compile. I am flip the orientation of the display, but VS2008 is telling me the DMDO_90 and DMDO_270 are unidentified:

error C2065: 'DMDO_90' : undeclared identifier
error C2065: 'DMDO_270' : undeclared identifier

Am I missing something-- an include or something? According to the MSDN DEVMODE structure DMDO should be defined (under the dmDisplayOrientation section)--
Here is the code I have:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;

DISPLAY_DEVICE GetPrimaryDevice()
    int index=0;
    dd.cb = sizeof(DISPLAY_DEVICE);

    while (EnumDisplayDevices(NULL, index++, &dd, 0))
        if (dd.StateFlags & DISPLAY_DEVICE_PRIMARY_DEVICE) return dd;
    return dd;

BOOL SetDisplayResolution(long degrees)
    DISPLAY_DEVICE dd = GetPrimaryDevice();
    DEVMODE dm;
    ZeroMemory(&dm, sizeof(dm));
    dm.dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODE);
    if (!EnumDisplaySettings(dd.DeviceName, ENUM_CURRENT_SETTINGS, &dm))
        printf("EnumDisplaySettings failed:%d\n", GetLastError());
        return FALSE;
    case 90:
        dm.dmDisplayOrientation = DMDO_90; //error C2065: 'DMDO_90' : undeclared identifier
    case 270:
        dm.dmDisplayOrientation = DMDO_270; //error C2065: 'DMDO_90' : undeclared identifier

    DWORD dwTemp = dm.dmPelsHeight;
    dm.dmPelsHeight = dm.dmPelsWidth;
    dm.dmPelsWidth = dwTemp;

    dm.dmFields = (DM_PELSWIDTH | DM_PELSHEIGHT);
    if (ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, CDS_TEST) !=DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL)
        printf("\nIllegal graphics mode: %d\n", GetLastError());
        return FALSE;

    return (ChangeDisplaySettings(&dm, 0)==DISP_CHANGE_SUCCESSFUL);

int main()
    if (SetDisplayResolution(90))
        return true;
        return false;



  • I am using VS 2008, and this constant is defined in wingdi.h (please use the Intellisense or a good code tagger such as Visual Assist to show you where these constants are defined).

    The relevant part of the wingdi.h header is this:

    #if(WINVER >= 0x0501)
    /* DEVMODE dmDisplayOrientation specifiations */
    #define DMDO_DEFAULT    0
    #define DMDO_90         1
    #define DMDO_180        2
    #define DMDO_270        3

    Note that WINVER has to be >= 0x0501, therefore more than likely you need to set the WINVER preprocessor symbol correctly.

    Please see this link to modify WINVER: