I'm a fairly new user of Grails and I'm struggling to do some more complex querying with the GORM setup.
I've got two domain objects/tables, LOCATION and REASON that have a many to many mapping, managed by the LOCATION_REASON table:
class Location {
String description
// other fields
static hasMany = [reasons: Reason]
static mapping = {
sort description:"asc"
id generator:'native', params:[sequence:'ATTENDANCE_TRACKER.ID_SEQ']
reasons joinTable: [name: 'LOCATION_REASON', key: 'LOCATION_ID', column: 'REASON_ID'], cascade: 'none'
static namedQueries = {
findAllWhereReasonIsNot { reasonId ->
reasons { ne('id', reasonId) }
//Other stuff
class Reason {
String description
//other fields
static hasMany = [locations: Location]
static mapping = {
id generator:'native', params:[sequence:'ATTENDANCE_TRACKER.ID_SEQ']
locations joinTable: [name: 'LOCATION_REASON', key: 'REASON_ID', column: 'LOCATION_ID'], cascade: 'none'
//Other stuff
The named query, 'findAllWhereReasonIsNot', isn't functioning like I'd like it to. I want a query that accomplishes fetching all Locations that aren't already associated with the specified reason.
In SQL terms, I want this:
select * from location where id not in(select location_id from location_reason where reason_id = :reasonId);
But what the current implementation is accomplishing looks more or less (edited to only include relevant info, and have reasonable 'select as' names) like this once the hibernate SQL is generated:
select * from
this_.id as loc_location_id,
this_.description as location_description,
reasons3_.LOCATION_ID as loc_reas_location_id,
reasons3_.REASON_ID as loc_reas_reason_id,
reasons_al1_.id as reas_reason_id,
reasons_al1_.description as reason_description
from location this_
inner join location_reason reasons3_ on this_.id=reasons3_.LOCATION_ID
inner join reason reasons_al1_ on reasons3_.REASON_ID=reasons_al1_.id
where (reasons_al1_.id <> :reasonId)
order by lower(this_.description) asc
This results in a list of several copies of each location, one for each reason associated with it. This prevents the resulting list from actually excluding the location associated with the original reasonId, as other reasons are associated with that location.
I did some research on Criteria and HQL, but can't get a working query to generate... Seems like Criteria and HQL have some limitations so I'm not even sure if it's possible. Does anyone know how to accomplish that simple 'not in' subquery in the named query?
So with much trial and error, I've got a working HQL query:
Location.findAll("from Location loc where loc not in (select l from Location l join l.reasons as r where r.id = ?) order by loc.description")
Many thanks to cfrick for getting me pointed in the right direction. I had briefly looked at HQL before, but had misunderstood some Grails documentation, thinking it only supported the 'where' clause of HQL. I also had gotten rather hung up on trying to access the join table directly
Here's what I learned: