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What's the difference between AngularJS Material and Polymer?

I see many material elements both in Polymer and AngularJS Material. As I know, both of them are google's products about Material design, Are there any relationships between them? Are there any plans for Material for Angular v2?


  • Material design is a new design language spec that many frameworks, widget libraries, and 3rd authors can adopt and implement.

    • Polymer is the reference implementation of material design for the web. As an added bonus, turns out web components lend themselves extremely well to the design/patterns of material design (css scoping, compartmentalization, declarative, etc.)
    • Polymer.dart is simply a Dart port of Polymer. Since it's a port, the paper-* (material design) elements should be very similar to their JS counterparts. Ideally, there would be no port of the elements themselves, but true dart/js interop is lacking right now.
    • Angular has their own interpretation of the material design spec. Not sure how closely it adheres to the spec.