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Determinant of a matrix by Gaussian elimination C++

I was trying to find the code for finding the determinant of a square matrix , and I came across this code.

    int det(vector<vector<int> > mat) {
        int n = mat.size();

        for(int col = 0; col < n; ++col) {
            bool found = false;
            for(int row = col; row < n; ++row) {
                if(mat[row][col]) {
                    found = true;
            if(!found) {
                return 0;
            for(int row = col + 1; row < n; ++row) {
                while(true) {
                    int del = mat[row][col] / mat[col][col];
                    for (int j = col; j < n; ++j) {
                        mat[row][j] -= del * mat[col][j];
                    if (mat[row][col] == 0)

        li res = 1;

        for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
            res *= mat[i][i];
        return abs(res);

But I am having trouble understanding line 20-29 i.e where the subtraction of row from multiple of another row is performed. I mean why the while loop is required here ? as I am subtracting the quotient*dividend , It should always be 0 , right ? So I think it should be just one iteration. So , why we need to perform this mat[row].swap(mat[col]); operation ? Thanks in advance.


  • There is some strange logic in your code to account for the fact that you are performing your calculations using integer arithmetic.

    Say you have a 3x3 matrix in which the first two rows are:

    4 6 5
    1 2 3

    When you compute del for col=0 and row=1, you will get:

    del = 1/4 = 0

    With that, when you compute:

    mat[row][j] -= del * mat[col][j];

    mat[row][j] doesn't change at all.

    To account for that, you swap the rows. Now the first two rows are:

    1 2 3
    4 6 5

    With the rows swapped like that, the value of del is 4/1 = 4. Now the line:

    mat[row][j] -= del * mat[col][j];

    does make a difference. The value of mat[1][0] ends up being zero, which is what you need. So you break out of the while loop.

    Here's an instrumented version of your function that produces a lot of debug output, with a helper function to print the matrix and the main function to test the code.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <vector>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    using namespace std;
    void printMatrix(vector<vector<int> > const& mat)
       int n = mat.size();
       for(int row = 0; row < n; ++row) {
          for(int col = 0; col < n; ++col) {
             cout << mat[row][col] << " ";
          cout << "\n";
       cout << "\n";
    int det(vector<vector<int> > mat) {
       int n = mat.size();
       for(int col = 0; col < n; ++col) {
          cout << "Column: " << col << "\n";
          bool found = false;
          for(int row = col; row < n; ++row) {
             if(mat[row][col]) {
                cout << "Got non-zero value for row " << row << " and col " << col << "\n";
                if ( row != col )
                   cout << "(1) Swapping rows " << col << " and " << row << "\n";
                   cout << "Not swapping rows\n";
                found = true;
          if(!found) {
             cout << "Did not find a non-zero row. Column: " << col << "\n";
             return 0;
          for(int row = col + 1; row < n; ++row) {
             while(true) {
                int del = mat[row][col] / mat[col][col];
                cout << "del: " << del << "\n";
                for (int j = col; j < n; ++j) {
                   mat[row][j] -= del * mat[col][j];
                if (mat[row][col] == 0)
                   cout << "(2) Swapping rows " << col << " and " << row << "\n";
       long res = 1;
       for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
          res *= mat[i][i];
       return abs(res);
    int main()
       vector<vector<int> > mat = { {4, 6, 5}, {1, 2, 3}, {8, 10, 9} };
       int r = det(mat);
       cout << "Determinant: " << r << endl;
       return 0;