I have been trying to write a shell script which runs a command
youtube-dl -o C:\Users\3435\Desktop\35.mp4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1rxfwFxB8M
This command can be exited by typing q on shell.
I can pass the parameter to script but how to do it automatically from within the script or through the other script. I can kill this youtube-dl process from within the script but i dont want to do that as it effects the commad execution.
Kindly tell me how to make sure that q is being recieved by youtube-dl process either from another script or from within the same script.
You can redirect its standard input from a named pipe:
mkfifo ydl-input
youtube-dl -o 'C:\Users\3435\Desktop\35.mp4' \
'http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1rxfwFxB8M' \
< ydl-input
then write "q" to the named pipe at any time later.
echo q > ydl-input