I just started with VHDL so this is hopefully a pretty basic question, My problem is that i want to code this ciruit! --> http://postimg.org/image/rrd2czsox/ <--
In my ciruit as u can see, p and q both acts as input & outputs signal. Here is my code for this ciruit!
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity pracc is
port(a,b,s,p,q : in std_logic;
y,z: out std_logic);
end pracc;
architecture Exercise5 of pracc is
p <= a AND b;
q <= NOT p;
y <= p;
z <= q;
end architecture;
But i can't compile this. Even if i change p & q as output signals!
Glad for help!
and q
are not inputs to your overall circuit - they're intermediate/local signals. Declare them like so:
architecture ...
signal p,q : std_logic;
Local signals connect logic within a component. Ports connect your component to other things.