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How to ensure that implementations of an interface have a connection string if they are backed by a database using code contracts

Imagine you've an interface like this:

public interface IPersonManager
     public void AddPerson(string name);

...and an implementation which we'll going to call DefaultPersonManager. Let's say we want to be sure that any implementation of IPersonManager won't be able to give a null or empty string as argument of AddPerson(string name). For that matter, we're going to implement a contract class as follows:

public abstract class IPersonManagerContract : IPersonManager
   public void AddPerson(string name)
       Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name), "Person's name cannot be a null or empty string");

...and we'll decorate our IPersonManager interface with the ContractClassAttribute attribute:

public interface IPersonManager
     public void AddPerson(string name);

We talked about a DefaultPersonManager. It would look like this class:

public class DefaultPersonManager
    private readonly List<string> _personNames = new List<string>();

    public void AddPerson(string name)
        // "name" argument will be verified by contract class!


Now we need to implement a new IPersonManager implementation which differs from the DefaultPersonManager in that AddPerson should persist person names to a SQL database (i.e. SQL Server, it's just an example...). We'll call this implementation DbBackedPersonManager.

Since DbBackedPersonManager requires a connection string, we could add a pre-condition in the AddPerson method implementation of DbBackedPersonManager:

public void AddPerson(string name)
     Contract.Requires(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SomeConnectionStringId"] != null, "A connection string is required in your application/web configuration file");

Wrong: code contracts compiler will say that AddPerson implements an interface member thus we can't add a Requires (Read this Q&A I found that was answered by Jon Skeet and it's someway related to this topic a long time ago.).

How would be able to ensure that a specific implementation mandatorily requires a connection string to work nicely?


  • Possibly an approach would be creating an unrelated interface called IWithSqlDbBackend (or any identifier of your preference...) like this:

    public interface IWithSqlDbBackend
         string ConnectionString { get; }
         string ConnectionStringId { get; set; }

    Later, we'll need to create a contract class like this:

    public abstract class IWithSqlDbBackendContract : IWithSqlDbBackend
        public string ConnectionString
                Contract.Requires(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionStringId), "Connection string id cannot be null or empty");
                Contract.Requires(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[ConnectionStringId] != null, "Connection string must be configured");
                Contract.Ensures(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Contract.Result<string>()), "A connection string cannot be null");
                return null;
        public string ConnectionStringId
                Contract.Ensures(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Contract.Result<string>()), "A connection string identifier cannot be null or empty");
                return null;

    ...also we'll need to decorate IWithSqlDbBackend interface with the so-called ContractClassAttribute:

    public interface IWithSqlDbBackend

    ...and implement the interface in DbBackedPersonManager. I'll add here the implementation signature:

    public class DbBackedPersonManager : IPersonManager, IWithSqlDbBackend

    Finally, if we create an instance of DbBackedPersonManagerand we try to call AddPerson method implementation but no connection string was previously configured in the application/web configuration file (i.e. web.config or app.config...), our pre-conditions will ensure that our application, service or library isn't satisfying the contract to work with persons stored in a database backend!

    Side note

    This is just a sample of how a lot of other domains would be able to ensure a bunch of conditions that, due to code contracts contract classes limitations, would be impossible to verify using regular polymorphism and code contracts.