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fslex learning: Lexer not advancing

I am currently learning about lexing and parsing (based on the F# toolset) based on a parsing a simple calculation and I am stuck in that my lexer is not advancing to consume the whole string:

let lexeme = LexBuffer<_>.LexemeString
// ...
rule test = parse
  | digit+  { Console.WriteLine("1_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | '+'     { Console.WriteLine("2_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | '-'     { Console.WriteLine("3_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | '*'     { Console.WriteLine("4_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | '/'     { Console.WriteLine("5_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | '('     { Console.WriteLine("6_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | ')'     { Console.WriteLine("7_" + (lexeme lexbuf)); test lexbuf; }
  | eof     { () }

Note here e.g. the final 'test lexbuf' is necessary for me to write in order to ensure that the whole string I provide is consumed

Since I don't do that in my actual implementation I just get to read e.g. the first number, which is then all I get.

rule calculator = parse
  | digit+  { NUMBER (Convert.ToInt32(lexeme lexbuf)) }
  | '+'     { PLUS }
  | '-'     { MINUS }
  | '*'     { TIMES }
  | '/'     { DIV }
  | '('     { LPAREN }
  | ')'     { RPAREN }
  | eof     { EOF }

I have seen many examples structured quite similarly. What am I missing.


  • The problem was that you simply cannot expect from the lexer to advance on its own. To me, thinking of it as a stream helps understanding what is happening.

    The advancing only works in combination with a parser. The parser will keep asking the lexer to return tokens.