Suppose I have 3 columns to choose from: colA
, colB
and colC
We have 7 possibilities to SELECT from:
single column: colA | colB | colC
double column: colA colB | colA colC | colB colC
triple column: colA colB colC
I would like to make a query that enables me to pick which columns I want to SELECT. For instance, if I want to pick columns colB
and colC
, then the SELECT should return
colB colC
1 4
2 5
3 6
I already searched for quite some time, and what I encounter most are the CASE
and IF
Control Flow Functions, but I could not achieve what it's described with them. For example, if I make the following query, the columns that are not activated show up with NULL values (whereas they should not show up):
SET @colB_switch := 1;
SET @colC_switch := 0;
CASE WHEN @colB_switch = 1 THEN colB END,
CASE WHEN @colC_switch = 1 THEN colC END
FROM my_table
For this simple case, I could simple hard code every single possibility, but when we have dozens of columns we have literally thousands of possibilities!
PS: another approach would be pick which columns to not show up, maybe it's easier?
Following @GordonLinoff suggestion, here's one way to conditionally SELECT multiple columns with MySQL:
SET @colA := NULL;
SET @colB := 'colB';
SET @colC := 'colC';
SET @stat := CONCAT('SELECT ', CONCAT_WS(',', @colA, @colB, @colC), ' FROM my_table');
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @stat;
EXECUTE stmt1;
CONCAT_WS() is convenient because if I do not want to SELECT a given column, I just set it to NULL
(colA, in the example).