I'm using Primefaces 5.0.4 and JSF 2.2. I have a dataTable with some hidden inputs in the rows for setting some js values. My Problem is that i want to submit the Table, but not the hidden inputs, because they refer to a non writeable property. Is this possible?
best Regards
Maybe using an HTML hidden field will solve your problem, it will not prevent them from being submitted but they will not update your JSF backing beans.
<input type="hidden" value="#{yourBean.value}" />
This input can be used as usual via JavaScript, you can also assign directly the bean value to a js variable on your page.
As per your comment, i've updated my suggestion. Your can also use a JS table that will hold all your table values just add on each row some JS as shown below:
<script>table['#{yourBean.someId}'] = '#{yourBean.value}';</script>
dont forget to declare the js table variable outside your datatable.