I have a text file in following format.
Wed Aug 27 20:24:53.536 IST
address ref clock st when poll reach delay offset disp
*~ .GPS. 1 657 1024 377 13.99 1.801 19.630
~ .LOCL. 3 15 64 377 0.00 0.000 1.920
* sys_peer, # selected, + candidate, - outlayer, x falseticker, ~ configured
file has been generated dynamically I need to fetch value of 'st' (1) value next to '.GPS.' . text '.GPS.' is going to be same in every file.
Check my following code:
$f1_content = file_get_contents('filename.txt');
if(preg_match("/\b(.*)\s(.*)\s[0-9]\s\b/i", $f1_content, $match))
print_r($match); die();
not getting any match. Any idea how it can be done?