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AngularJS Defining a helper function for private use in a service

I have an angular service that has one function visible to the controllers using the service. ie. getData

I want my service to be able to use a helper function called modifyData in the service that manipulates the data before returning it to the service which then sends the data to the controller. I do not want to use the helper function outside of the service or have it accessible outside of the service.

app.service("dataService", function() {
var modifyData = function(data) {
    data.modified = true;
    return data;

this.getData = function() {
    //Do a http request to get oldData variable
    var newData = modifyData(oldData);
    return newData;

My error from Angular is Error: modifyData is undefined.

What am I doing wrong here?

EDIT: Here is my actual code since my example code should work then I might have simplified it too much.

          ["$http", "$q", "beerService", "userService", 
          function($http, $q, beerService, userService) {

/* Builds a complete review object from a user object, beer object, and partial review object */
var buildReviewObj = function(reviewObj, switchClass) {
    var deferred = $q.defer();

    if(switchClass) {
        reviewObj.dirClass = "left";
    } else {
        reviewObj.dirClass = "right";

    //Make sure the review picture is valid and if not use default one
    if(reviewObj.image.length <= 0) {
        reviewObj.image = "images/default-beer-pic.jpg"; 

    //Make sure the review style is present if not put a default in
    if( <= 0) { = "Unknown"; 

    //Add user data
    userService.getUser(reviewObj.author_id).success(function(data, status) {
        //Check if we have a matched user
        if(data.status === "success") {
            var userObj =;

            //Make sure the profile picture is valid and if not use default one
            if(userObj.profile_pic.length <= 0) {
                userObj.profile_pic = "images/default-profile-pic.jpg"; 

   = userObj;
        } else {
            deferred.reject("Bad User object returned");

    //Add beer data
    beerService.getBeer(reviewObj.beer_id).success(function(data, status) {
        //Check if we have a matched beer
        if(data.status === "success") {
            var beerObj =;
   = beerObj;
        } else {
            deferred.reject("Bad Beer object returned");

/* Gets an array of review objects from the backend
 * @return Array of Review objects
this.getReviews = function() {
    var deferred = $q.defer();
        method: "GET", 
        url: "/includes/services/reviews.php",
        params: { a : "getReviews",
                  limit : "10" }
    }).success(function(data, status) {
        //switchClass variable alternates the review to display left or right
        var switchClass = true;

        //Notify review controller that we are loading reviews

        //Check if we have reviews
        if(data.status === "success") {
            var reviews = [];
            //Add beer and user data to each review
  , index) {
                buildReviewObj(reviewObj, switchClass).then(function(data) {
                    switchClass = !switchClass;
            //Notify review controller that we are done
            //Review array built successfully return reviews
        } else {
            //Couldn't get reviews return false
            deferred.reject("Couldn't access reviews.php back end service");   
    }).error(function() {
        //Couldn't get reviews return false
        deferred.reject("Couldn't access reviews.php back end service"); 
    return deferred.promise;


  • I found my error I was missing

    return deferred.promise;

    In the helper function.... facepalm this took me 10 minutes to solve after posting here but only after I struggled for an hour an half before posting here.