I just start to use fiddler in my project for debug purpose, but haven't figure out how to handle following case with autoresponder :(
I need replace the timestamp in the request url then point to the my personal path, like
from http://www.test.com/static/20140828/js/test.js to http://www.test.com/static/mycode/js/test.js, while the timestamp "20140828" changing frequently so I hope can have a rule can match and handle this kind replacement automatically, without update the timestamp every time.
I tried the regex but not found the solution for this case. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
You're right that you need to use a regular expression; you haven't said what expression you tried.
You'll probably want to use something like:
MatchText REGEX:^.*test\.com/static/\d+/(.*)$
ActionText http://www.test.com/static/mycode/$1