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Separate and combine code in Maple

I create simple package by using table. Because the package has many procedures so I split the code into many text file. Each file will pass the convention checking of Maple

I want to create a master file and "include" all text-code file into master file before compiling.


HINHHOC9 := table():

$include <"D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/01_DocDuLieu.maple"> ;

url := currentdir();

save  HINHHOC9, cat(url, "/HINHHOC9.m");

libname := libname, url;


But the master file compiled error

> restart;
> HINHHOC9 := table():
on line 5 of "D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/00_MasterFile.maple",
syntax error, cannot open $include file:
$include <"D:/CaoHoc/LuanVan/Code/workspace/LuanVan/01_DocDuLieu.maple"> ;
> quit
memory used=0.6MB, alloc=6.3MB, time=0.14

Please help me to find out the way to include and compile the code



  • You have both quotation marks and angle brackets around the file name. You need one, but not both, of those.