I am using the following code to draw a graph:
- (void) drawCircleGraphWithPercentage:(CGFloat)percentage
self.circle = [[CAShapeLayer alloc] init];
self.circle.strokeColor = [UIColor whiteColor].CGColor;
self.circle.backgroundColor = [AESColorUtilities mdvdYellow].CGColor;
self.circle.lineWidth = 30.0;
// Make a circular shape
self.circle.path = self.circlePath.CGPath;
// Add to parent layer
[self.contentView.layer addSublayer:self.circle];
[self.contentView bringSubviewToFront:self.percentageLabel];
// Configure animation
CABasicAnimation* drawAnimation = [CABasicAnimation animationWithKeyPath:@"strokeEnd"];
drawAnimation.duration = 1.0; // "animate over 10 seconds or so.."
drawAnimation.repeatCount = 1.0; // Animate only once..
// Animate from no part of the stroke being drawn to the entire stroke being drawn
drawAnimation.fromValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:0.0f];
drawAnimation.toValue = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:1.0f];
// Experiment with timing to get the appearence to look the way you want
drawAnimation.timingFunction = [CAMediaTimingFunction functionWithName:kCAMediaTimingFunctionEaseIn];
// Add the animation to the circle
[self.circle addAnimation:drawAnimation forKey:@"drawCircleAnimation"];
The issue I am having is that there is a black shape from the layer causing the colors to be off:
How can I make it so that the background is all yellow "mdvdYellow" without the black behind it?
Thank you in advance.
You need to remove the fillColor
from the shape layer since the default is opaque black.
results in no fill being rendered.
self.circle.fillColor = nil;