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Need help converting (CFPropertyListRef *)nsdictionary to swift

I need a little help converting this

 MIDIDeviceRef midiDevice = MIDIGetDevice(i);
NSDictionary *midiProperties;

MIDIObjectGetProperties(midiDevice, (CFPropertyListRef *)&midiProperties, YES);
NSLog(@"Midi properties: %d \n %@", i, midiProperties);

to swift. I have this but I am getting hung up on casting the CFPropertList.

 var midiDevice = MIDIGetDevice(index)
let midiProperties =  NSDictionary()

 MIDIObjectGetProperties(midiDevice,  CFPropertyListRef(midiProperties), 1);
println("Midi properties: \(index) \n \(midiProperties)");

Any help would be great.



  • This is the signature for MIDIObjectGetProperties in Swift:

    func MIDIObjectGetProperties(obj: MIDIObjectRef, outProperties: UnsafeMutablePointer<Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?>, deep: Boolean) -> OSStatus

    So you need to pass in an UnsafeMutablePointer to a Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?:

    var midiDevice = MIDIGetDevice(0)
    var unmanagedProperties: Unmanaged<CFPropertyList>?
    MIDIObjectGetProperties(midiDevice, &unmanagedProperties, 1)

    Now you have your properties, but they're in an unmanaged variable -- you can use the takeUnretainedValue() method to get them out, and then cast the resulting CFPropertyList to an NSDictionary:

    if let midiProperties: CFPropertyList = unmanagedProperties?.takeUnretainedValue() {
        let midiDictionary = midiProperties as NSDictionary
        println("Midi properties: \(index) \n \(midiDictionary)");
    } else {
        println("Couldn't load properties for \(index)")


    Midi properties: 0 
        "apple.midirtp.errors" = <>;
        driver = "";
        entities =     (
        image = "/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers/AppleMIDIRTPDriver.plugin/Contents/Resources/RTPDriverIcon.tiff";
        manufacturer = "";
        model = "";
        name = Network;
        offline = 0;
        scheduleAheadMuSec = 50000;
        uniqueID = 442847711;