I am very new to VisualStudio and porting a cordova/phonegap application from android to windows phone 8.
So I created a new project using createTemplates.bat and imported it in my VS2012 Express.
The core result is one www folder containing img/css/js and index.html; it works fine and I manage to launch it and deploy on my device.
Because the application is quite big, I want to create a new sub-folder call subfold (under img), and placing picture.jpg in there so in solutionExplorer I have img/subfold/picture.jpg (even if it is hidden); but I cannot use picture.jpg while I can use it if it's in img.
I am 100% sure that I use the proper path. Another notable thing is that in SolutionExplorer View, the subfolder and its content are disabled (look at "attivita" below) and Build Action property does not exist while it exists and set to 'Content' if the image is inside img
From the screenshot I can see that the icon for the folder is ghosted out, this means that the folder exists in the file directory, but isn't included in the Visual Studio solution. You can right-click on the folder and choose the option to include the folder in the solution. You may also need to add each of the items in the folders to the solution via the Solution Explorer.