I can't seem to get Gradle to publish multiple artifacts to a Maven repository. It publishes some, but not all, and I have no idea why. The targets are debug & release versions of static libraries, built for OS X and Windows (4 static libraries in total). The OS X libraries are stored but the Windows ones are not. If I modify the filter closure such that the OS X libraries are filtered out, nothing is stored.
model {
buildTypes {
platforms {
"osx-x86_64" {
operatingSystem "osx"
architecture "x86_64"
"windows-x86_64" {
operatingSystem "windows"
architecture "x86_64"
toolChains {
// OS X and Windows toolchains (Clang and Mingw) described here
// - they build the artifacts I wish to store ok
// just removed for clarity
} // end of model
libraries {
saveMe {}
nativeArtifacts {
libSaveMe {
from (libraries.saveMe) { it instanceof StaticLibraryBinary &&
(it.targetPlatform.name == "osx-x86_64" ||
it.targetPlatform.name == "windows-x86_64")
// if I make this closure on the line above something like:
// it instanceof StaticLibraryBinary && it.targetPlatform.name == "windows-x86_64"
// then nothing is saved in the Maven repo
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
credentials {
username = 'user'
password = 'password'
url "http://hostname.com/path/to/repo"
publications {
mavPub(MavenPublication) {
from nativeArtifacts.libSaveMe
I'm using a very nice external plugin (Gradle Native Artifacts Plugin, written by Serge Gebhardt @sgeb (?)) but before I try to make sense of his code (I'm a beginner in Gradle), I thought I'd ask and see if there's something obvious I'm doing wrong.
I've tried putting logger statements in the filter closure and I can see that all possible combos of debug/release static/shared libraries are being tried, and the filter is correctly identifying true/false whether the libraries should be saved, but it doesn't make it to Maven.
Is there a debugging line I could put in publishing{} (or a task) to see what the actual contents of the nativeArtifacts.libSaveMe collection is?
OK, so the moral of the story is: never assume, check. In this instance, check that the statement:
toolChains {
// OS X and Windows toolchains (Clang and Mingw) described here
// - they build the artifacts I wish to store ok
// just removed for clarity
is actually true. It wasn't.
The publish task was being done by a CI server and the toolchain was failing to build the windows artifacts on the CI server, but it was working on my local machine (due to a config error in the installation of the mingw toolchain). The toolchain failure was occurring without an error (unless run in --debug) and hence was invisible to me, as the toolchain was being replaced by a non-Windows compiler that didn't create the artifacts.