I'm making a website that mail users when a movie or a pc game has released. It isn't too complex - users can sign up, choose movies/music or a genre and save the settings. When the movie/music is released - it mails the user. Some other functionality too but this is the jist.
Now, I've been working with Python for a bit but mainly in the area of console apps. For web: what should I use, the web framework Django or the templating engine Mako?
I can't seem to decide between the two. :(
Django. Because it takes care for all bits and pieces (url mapping, request object handling etc) and hides the DB access from you as well. If you want you can use SQLite DB so no need for MysQL or other "proper" DBs. If you were using just template engine you'd have to take care of HTTP layer yourself. And the DB stuff as well.