I'm trying to create a base object for all my structs in golang. For some reason I can't get it to work when the new object I create is in a different package. It works fine when they are in the same package/folder.
e.g. a base class for all objects
package Test
type BaseObject struct {
base interface{}
---- Sub Folder Test\Stuff ---
create a new TestObject which subclasses BaseObject
package Stuff
import Test "Test"
type TestObject struct{
func (this *TestObject)DoSomething(){
any reference to this.base or this.BaseObject.base fails!!!
--- In the same folder, everthing works ---
package Test
type TestObject struct{
func (this *TestObject)DoSomething(){
any reference to this.base works fine??
You can't reference hidden or "private" fields in structs outside their packages.
If you would just do:
type BaseObject struct {
Base interface{}
will be exposed or "public" in the context of other packages, and everything will work.