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How to create a custom dialer using phonegap (Android and iOS)

I would like to create a phonegap application which is basically a dialer that dials a number, based on the number from phone contacts. (I would be having a logic in the application, which basically adds some additional numbers to the existing number from contacts).

I know that I can access the contacts using

But is there any plugin to dial a programmatic number, its available in android but I couldnt find one for iOS

in Android I can give the [phonenumber] in cordova.exec(null, null, "PhoneDialer", "call", [phoneNmber]);

Is there any plugin for iOS?


  • Hi @joel do the following changes

    1)Corresponding phone dialer.js

    2)Corresponding phonedialerh and m files copy these files to your plugins folder inside CordovaLib.xcodeproj and add it to your CordovaLib.xcodeproj

    3)Then in your Cordova.plist create a string in the Plugins Dictionary with key name as phonedialer and value PhoneDialer.Or if you have a config.xml add this plugin name="phonedialer" value="PhoneDialer" inside plugins tag.

    4)Then you can call the following by this window.plugins.phoneDialer.dial(yourno)

    As for the latest phonegap i think the commandline feature is quite easy as you dont have to do individual setups for diff platforms.I dont know an alternative though.