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Why is my method chaining not working?

I am trying to write a class that displays errors. I would like to be able to do it on one line. So this is what I use to display the error:

$this->error->title("Error Title")->message("This is an error message")->redirect('home')->display();

This is my class:


class Error {

    var $title;
    var $message;
    var $redirect;

    function title($title){

        $this->title = $title;


    function message($message){

        $this->message = $message;


    function redirect($redirect){

        $this->redirect = $redirect;


    function display(){

        $CI &= get_instance();


        $data = array(
            'error_title' => $this->title,
            'error_message' => $this->message


            $data['redirect'] = $this->redirect;


        $CI->load->view('error_body', $data);



This is the error that I am getting:

 Fatal error: Call to a member function message() on a non-object in ...\application\frontend\controllers\members\login.php on line 128 

Why would I get the error on the message() method but not on the title method?


  • Method chaining requires you to put

    return $this;

    in the end of chainable methods.

    Why would I get the error on the message() method but not on the title method?

    Because your firsh chain call returns null or non-object:

    $this->error->title("Error Title")->message("This is an error message")->redirect('home')->display();
    //            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    While definition was:

    function title($title){
        $this->title = $title;
    } // return value not specified, so it returns null

    How do you fix it? Try this:

    function title($title){
        $this->title = $title;
        return $this;

    And so on. I hope you figured out.