I've been trying to understand how to deal with the output of strsplit
a bit better. I often have data such as this that I wish to split:
mydata <- c("144/4/5", "154/2", "146/3/5", "142", "143/4", "DNB", "90")
#[1] "144/4/5" "154/2" "146/3/5" "142" "143/4" "DNB" "90"
After splitting that the results are as follows:
strsplit(mydata, "/")
#[1] "144" "4" "5"
#[1] "154" "2"
#[1] "146" "3" "5"
#[1] "142"
#[1] "143" "4"
#[1] "DNB"
#[1] "90"
I know from the strsplit help guide that final empty strings are not produced. Therefore, there will be 1, 2 or 3 elements in each of my results based on the number of "/" to split by
Getting the first element is very trivial:
sapply(strsplit(mydata, "/"), "[[", 1)
#[1] "144" "154" "146" "142" "143" "DNB" "90"
But I am not sure how to get the 2nd, 3rd... when there are these unequal number of elements in each result.
sapply(strsplit(mydata, "/"), "[[", 2)
# Error in FUN(X[[4L]], ...) : subscript out of bounds
I would hope to return from a working solution, the following:
#[1] "4" "2" "3" "NA" "4" "NA" "NA"
This is a relatively small example. I could do some for loop very easily on these data, but for real data with 1000s of observations to run the strsplit on and dozens of elements produced from that, I was hoping to find a more generalizable solution.
(at least regarding 1D vectors) [
seems to return NA
when "i > length(x)" whereas [[
returns an error.
x = runif(5)
#[1] NA
#Error in x[[6]] : subscript out of bounds
Digging a bit, do_subset_dflt
(i.e. [
) calls ExtractSubset
where we notice that when a wanted index ("ii") is "> length(x)" NA
is returned (a bit modified to be clean):
if(0 <= ii && ii < nx && ii != NA_INTEGER)
result[i] = x[ii];
result[i] = NA_INTEGER;
On the other hand do_subset2_dflt
(i.e. [[
) returns an error if the wanted index ("offset") is "> length(x)" (modified a bit to be clean):
if(offset < 0 || offset >= xlength(x)) {
if(offset < 0 && (isNewList(x)) ...
else errorcall(call, R_MSG_subs_o_b);
where #define R_MSG_subs_o_b _("subscript out of bounds")
(I'm not sure about the above code snippets but they do seem relevant based on their returns)