Is it possible for a chrome extension to sync local database for each chrome user (pouchDB, indexedDB) over irisCouch, withoud any custom authentication service/server in the middle, just using google's logged in user (oAuth) ?
I'm trying to figure this out for days but I'm really stuck just to find out if it's possible.
I'm not sure if I'm heading in the right direction, but I imagined this kind of flow:
I can't seem to find tutorials on this matter, and I don't have the time to read 100 pages of documentation from various sources.
The weak link in your plan is going to be IrisCouch. I think I may have a claim to the shortest and most definitive guide to CouchDB authentication. You say you don't have much time, but you should probably read it. ;)
Basically the problem you're going to run into is that IrisCouch (which is just CouchDB) doesn't have any APIs for creating users and giving them a database.
You will need a separate service to make this work. I.e. you will need some kind of server-side process that takes the oAuth credentials, creates a user in IrisCouch (using admin credentials!), and then gives that user a private database.