What actually "precision qualifier" do, in the glm library?
P.S. At first I thought that it switch between float/double/long double...
But than I found d -version of mat4 dmat4
(with double type).
P.P.S. I use it in C++ code.
From: http://glm.g-truc.net/0.9.1/api/a00229.html
The GLSL language allows the user to define the precision of a particular variable. In OpenGL's GLSL, these precision qualifiers have no effect; they are there for compatibility with OpenGL ES's precision qualifiers, where they do have an effect.
C++ has no language equivalent to precision qualifiers. So GLM provides the next-best thing: a number of typedefs of the Template types that use a particular precision.
None of these types make any guarantees about the actual precision used.