I have a grails domain that looks like the following
User {
sortedSet notifications
static hasMany=[notifications:Notification]
Notification {
Date dateCreated
int status=0
static belongsTo=[user:User]
public int compareTo(obj) {
If I return the "User" object to a GSP, is there any way to get the count of all notifications where status=1.
Eg: user.notifications.size() (but where status=1)
Without having to return another separate notifications object.
You mention the word "transients" in the title, but nowhere else. Are you wanting to declare a transient property to do something like this?...
class User {
SortedSet notifications
static hasMany=[notifications:Notification]
static transients = ['numberOfStatusOnes']
int getNumberOfStatusOnes() {
notifications?.count { it.status == 1 } ?: 0