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How can I make a "FOR"(loop) in html, using chameleon and pyramid in python 3.4?

How can a make a loop using chameleon and pyramid in my html? I search but i found nothing like that =/ Is easier use javascript in this case? I use datatable in MACADMIN(bootstrap theme).

<div class="table-responsive">
  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="data-table" width="100%">
          Rendering engine
          Engine version
          CSS grade
         Maybe put FOR here? like {for x items in "TABLE"}
  <div class="clearfix">


  • Use a tal:repeat attribute to repeat parts of a template, given a sequence:

      <tr tal:repeat="item orgao_doc">

    The <tr> tag is repeatedly inserted into the output, once for each element in orgao_doc. The name item is bound to each element when rendering this part of the template.